The second Halloween of the pandemic is over. No trick-or-treating by either kid this year, so it was all about answering the door and giving out candy.

Ian helped me put up our “decorations” this year. That was a trial in itself: Tammy, Miranda and I all tried to find where I’d put the spider and web from last year. We’d put it away somewhere, and couldn’t find it. Eventually Tammy found it by accident, after I’d already started making a new spider. Two spiders this year!

Based on my own thoughts from last year, I added some lights to the candy slide. There still is some room for improvement, but the ratio of misses to hits got better this year. However, one step backwards was the hole to the right in the picture above. To me, that’s impassable, but to the first kid of the night, it was practically inviting him to crawl through. And then trip over it on the way out, partly wrecking the web. Some quick additional yarn later, the hole was closed.

Our total was 23, which is above the 14 last year but still the second-lowest ever. It was cold tonight: -6. Probably kept the kids from staying out too long.

And what were the kids up to? Ian finished some homework and helped keep watch out the front window, while Miranda applied to university.

The pumpkin carvers this year were:

  • Scooping the guts: Simon
  • Design and cutting the face: Tammy and Miranda

Ian was at Joey’s birthday party yesterday.

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