Are we moving? Don’t know. So in the meantime, we’re getting our house on the market…

Weird, huh? Okay, so here’s what’s happened lately.

First, we saw and were impressed by 44 Demos. So we asked our realtor to do a little digging for us, and he came back with a plan to make an offer on it (subject to conditions, like the sale of our house) and to put our house on the market quickly. So I did a Jean-Luc and said “make it so”, but not an hour later, Jack got back to me and told me that 44 Demos was going off the market temporarily, because the current owner got laid off. It was part of the local A Channel layoff of 17 people because Bell bought out CHUM. What were the odds?

But I digress. So our next move is to de-clutter the house (especially the basement) and get it ready for photos and placing on the market. This allows us to test the waters without having to sell. It’s a much stronger position to be in, so I suppose this is a good thing. However, it will extend the uncertainty for a while, as we see what happens. In the meantime, I get to live in an uncluttered house. Oh my!

Thanks to Tammy for doing the lion’s share of the packing, and thanks to Stephanie and Evan for their offer of storage and helping to shift boxes this weekend, and thanks to Dad for helping on a bit of cosmetic carpentry to help get things up to snuff.