New Phone Service

As of this morning, our Telus phone line has been switched off, and we’ve switched to Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP, i.e. Internet phone), courtesy of Vonage. So, for those of you who’d like to call us, it’s two-five-zero four-eight-three fifty-eight-oh-nine.

Maybe it was a bit of a knee-jerk reaction, but Telus really tweaked our noses by charging us a new $3 fee just because we don’t make a lot of long-distance calls. OK, fine. We’ll take our business elsewhere. The new internet phone was connected on Monday, and other than a few glitches in getting our account set up, it’s been working well. There are some neat features, and of course, long distance to most places is free.


  1. Way to go. We dropped Telus back in the first week of October. It was our opinion that Telus was jerking us around with our internet service and "nickel and diming" us every other month with some other charges. When trying to contact Telus, you could never speak to a person on this continent that even had a clue what your problem might be.

  2. 😀

    I’ve been having an email discussion with a couple of friends about this, and one of them said of Telus "I have no idea how these guys are still in business." Thanks for stopping by!

    I wanted to update that I’ve now isolated the wiring on my house by disconnecting the incoming Telus wires in "the box" on my house. I’ve plugged the Vonage box into my phone jack, and sure enough, all of my jacks are now live! Who knew it would work out as planned? I’ve got some tidying up to do with running the wiring, etc., but it’s functional.

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