Miranda’s Party at the Gym

Today was Miranda’s birthday party! She and some friends got to have a party at Lion’s Pride Gymnastics. This is the same place that Zachary had his fifth and eighth birthday parties, and Katya had a party there, too. Miranda has wanted one there for a long time, and since we haven’t moved, this seemed like the opportunity.

The guest list: Zachary and Brianna, Katya and Alyosha, Jane (from school), and Michaela and Mariah (from piano).

Listening to instructions
Listening to instructions

As usual, the kids had a blast. Dad showed up and got to watch the action while we chatted.

Dad, me, and Miranda
Dad, me, and Miranda

The kids were well behaved and played well together. The only owies were a couple of skin burns from falling while running.

Ready to play tag
Ready to play tag

Ian started to poop out and didn’t want his ice cream cake. He’s running a fever now, so who knows what’s wrong.

Ice cream cake from DQ
Ice cream cake from DQ

Miranda got lots of great gifts, and each of the kids took home a mini Spirograph as a “goodie bag”.

At the table
At the table


  1. Looks like everyone was having a good time. Dad enjoyed himself, thanks for asking him. I’m sorry Ian is "off". Let us know how he is doing.
    Happy Birthday – again! Miranda!

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