Paint By Number Progress, Uncle Abe

Here’s an update on the progress on the big paint by number for Ian’s room. It’s taking quite a while to do, given that I don’t get that many opportunities to work on it, but I think we’re on the home stretch.


It’s funny: seeing it on the photo (and with the colours being a bit exaggerated/enhanced) I see a few things that need to change. The paint mixes are sometimes just wrong in the pattern. The picture on the box is much darker, like they were mixing black into every paint. I’ve started to take the paint numbers (i.e. 86/48 ) pattern with a grain of salt.

In other news, I was talking with Mom and Dad last night and they told me that my Uncle Abe (Dad’s oldest brother) had passed away on Friday the 20th. He had had surgery on his back about a month ago and never recovered enough to get out of the hospital again. He was 83, and I guess his body just didn’t have it in it to recover. He lived in Ontario, and I only met him a few times.


  1. He knows about it. It has been propped up against a wall in our dining room for a bit. He would have to have Simon’s observation skills 😛 not to notice it.
    No, no prodding, but he does comment on how well it’s coming along.

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