20th Reunion Picnic

It was fun and hot. 🙂 Not quite as social as the pub night, but that’s to be expected with everyone herding their kids around. It was more like parents interacting at the park instead of socializing at a bar. Different vibe, fun in a different way. Got to see everyone’s kids. Andrea was corralling her three daughters, 8 and 4-year-old twins.

Yakking with Andrea
Yakking with Andrea

Gary was solo, he flew from Washington DC where he’s living and working right now.

Yakking with Gary
Yakking with Gary

After lunch there was a tug-of-war, sack races and egg and spoon races for the kids, along with other games. Ian did surprisingly well in the egg and spoon race. He finished both races without dropping his egg.

Egg and spoon race
Egg and spoon race


  1. Yes, in the proud tradition of children, he went from sick to "much better" before we had to decide on the BBQ, and by that afternoon was fully back to "full of piss and vinegar". 🙂

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