We went for my usual bi-weekly check-up with the doc today.

Overall things are looking fine. My blood pressure is 110/70 and the baby’s heartrate is 150 beats. I’m measuring big again…31 weeks instead of 28. Of course this doesn’t mean much. Miranda measured big and she was an average size. The problem is that I have no waist, so the growth can only be outward. I have developed a rash on my arms. It started on my neck then went away. Now it’s on my arms. It turns out it’s a common affliction called Papular Dermatitis. It should go away after birth or maybe before. There was some glucose in my urine, which can be a cause for alarm. However, she wasn’t concerned as my gestational diabetes test came back negative and my weight gain is, to quote her, conservative (+3 pounds). If in future visits the glucose persists, I gain a lot of weight, and I start swelling up she’ll send me to someone who will teach me to monitor my sugar. I’ll assume that I may go for an ultrasound to see how the baby’s doing, too, as a precaution.

I just have to get my blood tested to see how the iron levels are. I’ve being feeling tired again. I haven’t really worked out in nearly a month thanks to all that has been happening around here and that makes me feel guilty. I should try and do a small workout (15 min) a couple of times a week to keep up the flexibility and muscle strength.

We go back in 2 weeks when I’m 30 weeks along. Time is sure zinging by.