Happy Sweet 16 to Miranda

Today our little girl turned 16. We were all awake at midnight to both ring in the new year and to wish her a happy birthday before we all sauntered off to bed.

This morning we managed to be “up and atom” between 8 and 8.30. Baba and Grandpa wanted to wish her a happy birthday before we headed off to the slopes (which didn’t happen, incidentally). Through breakfast she opened her gifts and cards. Pictures of them are posted below. Tomorrow we will be taking her to the Royal Tyrrell Museum as part of her birthday celebrations; they aren’t open today, of course.

Instead of a birthday cake this year, she wanted some dessert crêpes. I used my crêpe pan, which I got for Christmas, and made a double batch of them.  I also made a cream cheese and whipped cream filling to accompany the Lindt chocolate spread, mixed fruit, sliced bananas, berry coulis, and caramel drizzle as fillings and toppings.  We put one together for her “cake” and we sang to her.

Later today we may go to a mall so she can spend some of her gift money. There is also a strong likelihood of watching dinosaur documentaries.

💜 Happy 16th Birthday Miranda! Love you lots! 💜


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