Hello from Edmonton

This is the first trip in two weeks to Edmonton. I made my travel arrangements for next week’s trip while I was sitting in the bus station this morning waiting for my coach. This week is Service Alberta, and next week it’s ATCO. Good thing the bus is a comfortable way to travel.

It wasn’t too early a morning this morning: a 5:30 alarm got me downtown well ahead of my 8:00 bus departure. A couple of hours working on slides, answering email and other stuff whiled away half the trip. The movie on the bus was Ready Player One, a movie that I didn’t mind seeing again. The bus got me to Edmonton at noon, with enough time for a quick lunch and then off to see the client for 1:00. The first afternoon went well, if maybe a little jumbled, but then that’s pretty normal for discovery with a new (to me) client.

This evening I need to do some more prep for tomorrow morning. It’s a large and complex system we’re analyzing.

The view from the Red Arrow

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