Well, that didn’t last

As I posted yesterday, my iPad’s reign as the fastest computer in the house lasted just under 51 hours. Tammy’s M1-based MacBook Air came by UPS around 3 o’clock this afternoon.

Ready for unboxing

Tammy has been very patient. Either that or I’ve been persuasive. Either way, when she started teaching from home full time in the spring, her 2014 MacBook Air was pressed into the hardest service of its career. She was videoconferencing on Microsoft Teams, organizing class materials in OneDrive and all manner of marking and other stuff. But she was willing to wait for the new MacBook Air, that Apple announced last week, with the Apple M1 chip instead of Intel inside.

It’s the base model, but even so, it’s a screamer.

Tammy’s new MacBook at the far right. My work MacBook Pro is “Claris”.
Updated to include graphics benchmark. M1 in full-on beast mode

It took a bit to transfer her content with the Migration Assistant, but it’s done now and she’s all set up for her novelling tonight and for work tomorrow.

Ooh, it’s gold

Ready for another six or seven years, I figure. 😜


The early review is in. Tammy’s comment after novelling last night: “it makes my wrists cold”. She rests her wrists on the MacBook as she types, and since the chip inside stays cool, the aluminum doesn’t warm up. You heard it here first, folks. Don’t buy this laptop.


Further Update

We did a quick webcam test today. The webcam on the new MacBook Airs is still, in the words of Rene Ritchie, “A Potato”, but a 2020 potato is better than a 2013 potato.

Top, L-R: My iPad Air, Tammy’s new MacBook. Bottom L-R: Tammy’s old MacBook, my MacBook.

I think the webcam’s quite a bit better. Her students thought so, too.

Updated Dec. 26, 2020

It was sort of a joke gift, but today I ironed and then hung a new backdrop for behind Tammy when she’s at her desk. When I started working from home and being on camera most days, I made a point of trying to make the background interesting. I’ve had a lot of comments and banter over the guitars that I’ve had hanging. But Tammy was okay with a beige wall…

But now…

Wow, so much better!
It’s a little “movie magic”

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