An Eggcellent Breakfast

Earlier this week in foods class, we learned how to make Gordon Ramsay’s scrambled eggs. As a class, we learned how to make his style of scrambled eggs. Our class was divided into 5 cooking groups. When each group finished, every member got to try the eggs. They were delicious, and they were so delicious, I wanted to make them again. So on Friday morning, I went to the local Sobey’s grocery store down the street to pick up a loaf of sourdough and chives, and later in the day, me and my mum went to Walmart to shop for eggs, Crème Fraîche, tomatoes, and mushrooms. By the end of the day, I had everything I needed to make a splendid Saturday morning breakfast.

On Saturday morning, I got up at 7, and began preparing the tomatoes, mushrooms, and chives. The rest of the family was downstairs by around 7:15. I was scrambling eggs in a pot, my mum was frying tomatoes and mushrooms in a frying pan, and Miranda was toasting toast on a pancake griddle. Dad was just sitting at the table having a bowl of cereal, to make sure he ate something before his morning ride. Compared to making chicken waffles last week, this was at a much faster pace, because once the eggs started to cook in the pot, it was go time. A little after 8, breakfast was finished, and everyone sat at the table, and enjoyed their eggcellent breakfast. 😊

Mum’s breakfast plate



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