Frog-Dangling Weekend

It’s one of those weekends. The weather’s grey and so are everyone’s spirits. The weather has been cool and wet which is great for lawns, but not so great when you have a young family. Miranda handles being cooped up inside better than Ian, but even she is starting to crawl under our skin. Tammy and I are throwing the kids outside whenever the weather dries up a little. Unfortunately this morning that meant they got an unscheduled bath after they got muddy outside.

One of our tactics is to teach Miranda new games. This week we tried her with Clue, which I have from when I was a kid. The logic of the game is fairly complex, but the game rules are quite simple. She seems to like playing it, and was asking if we could play it today when she went to bed last night. She likes playing “Miss Scarlet”. 🙂 Is it just me, or do other people prefer the original non-cartoony photos on the cards and board too?

Right now she’s playing ATV Off Road on the PS2. I’m sitting next to her while typing this. Ian’s been napping, but he should be up at any time. Miranda’s funny. She like winning, but she also just likes making up her own games. Like chasing the train around the map like she’s doing now. Or as she just said to me: “I’m on the roof, Dad!” 🙂

The frog-dangling bit? It’s taking liberty with a Simpson’s quote.