A sign of things to come?

Well, it wasn’t stormy, rainy, or windy, no Sunday’s Power outage was at best a test run for our backup system. Thank goodness we weren’t doing Thanksgiving dinner or anything like that last night. Last night the power went out about 5:40 pm and didn’t come on until 7:30 ish. Stephanie had to hold me back as I was about to fly down the stairs and finally get to put our Generator System to the test!!! After 5 min of no power and Brianna’s food needing to be warmed up she let me off the leash! 5 minutes later we had Electricity!!!! Heat, TV, Microwave, Fridge and Toaster go! Woo hoo.

2 things I realized was that I need to make a cover for my Generator and I need to find some way to secure it so that nobody buggers off with it.

The really unsettling part is that BCHydro has no idea what happened? They said it was a “Transmission” problem and they were still trying to figure out why 200,000 Customers went without power. Maybe it’s a sticky clutch…


Anyways, we’re ready!!!


  1. The same thing happened on Pender. We were over visiting Baba and Grandpa for Thanksgiving. The roast had just gone in and zoop, out goes the power. We ended up bbq-ing the roast and doing the sides on the burner on the bbq. It wasn’t a mega catastrophe, but it was exciting. The food turned out just fine and the power came on part way through eating. This was the first time I’ve put pumpkin pie on a bbq. 😀

  2. That’s wild! I guess the power outage was widespread! We were over at Colin and Carol’s on Pender Island and Thanksgiving dinner was in the oven when the power went. We cooked the remainder on the barbeque and were about halfway through dinner by candlelight when the power came back on.

    I just found this: http://www.canada.com/victo… that indicates it hit most of Southern Vancouver Islands and the Gulf Islands. No indication of the cause.

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