All the way there…

…and all the way back.
Simon worked from home today which meant I could give riding to and fro work a go…and I did. I left at around 8 this morning and, after falling off at the beginning of the ride, made it to work in 58 minutes and 58 seconds. It would’ve been shorter except I had to pick myself up off the pavement, do a sensor check of my fitness tracker halfway there, and take a short breather and a sip of water.  When I arrived at work my co-worker Kazuyo played nurse and cleaned up my knee.  Funnily, her response to my text about riding to work was:


After work Simon met me at Edworthy Park and rode the rest of the way home with me (thank you 💚). It took a bit longer going home, what with it being more uphill, and we made a few detours to look at things.

Here are the maps to


and from work.


One Comment

  1. Man, yesterday (Monday, the 6th) made it difficult to make it “all the way back”. It was *hot*. I’m still recovering today, and took the train to work.

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