As of Tuesday night / Wednesday early morning, I was the third of our family to succumb to the illness that came home from the birthday party next door. Ian’s the lone holdout at this point.

Yesterday, Tammy chauffeured me to the office and I picked up my laptop so that I could have a scheduled phone meeting with a client in the afternoon. That worked out. We also stopped at Baker Park so I could get some sunshine and fresh air. It was really nice there, and Tammy would like to go back for a picnic soon.

Today, I’m in the office and off to go see another client at 9:30. I have that, and a shorter write up and some travel arrangements to make today, so hopefully that won’t over tax me. I’m definitely feeling better, but easily tired out. To illustrate: I was feeling good enough when I got out of bed this morning that I was considering riding my bike to work. But taking a shower tired me out, so I knew that wasn’t an option.

In other news, Tammy’s taking the VW in to the dealer today for a checkup and block heater installation. I had that done to the Mazda on Monday. Tammy has called around to the tire places, and they suggested that the right time for sales is later this month / early October.

We also had a basement contracting place (PlanIT Builders) come out to give us an estimate on Friday night. It was a very interesting conversation, and I think it really was useful. I know that on Monday, Tammy and I were talking over a lot of different ideas. I’ll post more on that soon. We haven’t got the estimate back yet, so we don’t know where the dollars and cents lie.


  1. I’m glad you are feeling a little better. I’m trying hard not to sound like a mother and tell you to ease yourself into riding to work again. Let your body get better. However, you probably know all that! Ha! Ha! It never ends. Nag, Nag, Nag!
    [I should sign this Dad!]

  2. Yes, I didn’t last the day at work. Fits of exhaustion and sweats (in an air conditioned office). Saturday I was better and able to wash the car and help with the gardening. Today I went on my usual Sunday ride with the Bow Cyclists without any problems.

    Yay, health!

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