Best Summer Ever, Part II?

Last night, Alberta stopped its vaccine passport system and has a schedule to be “back to normal” by early March.

As if I didn’t have enough to worry about. Thanks a lot.

I realize that at some point, getting COVID will be like “getting the ‘flu”, but I question being a leader on the bleeding edge instead of a follower on this one.

To this point, our family has stayed healthy. Everyone is vaccinated and everyone except Ian is boosted, so should the virus finally come to our door there’s a small chance that we will end up in the hospital or dead. I am more worried about “long COVID”, actually. Until researchers figure out what that is, the symptoms scare me. I’m also worried about bullying and harassment, as we move into a phase where masks are voluntary.

I want “normal” as much as the next person. I want it especially for Miranda, who will be starting University in the fall. Fingers crossed that this really is the end and regular life will pick up again.

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