Birthday Sleepover, Hobbit

It was a busy weekend, with lots happening. Cynthia and the girls are back home next door and recovered from the flu, so we had them over for a belated birthday party / sleepover for Miranda on Saturday night.

Miranda, Ellie and Thallia
Miranda, Ellie and Thallia

That was in addition to the second round of tennis lessons on Saturday afternoon, which were a hit again. They all had fun playing in the evening and the next morning, both inside and out in the snow.

Then Tammy and I debated the wisdom of taking the family to see the Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Miranda has been bugging us to go and see it since it came out, and we all wanted to see it, except Ian. He remains indifferent to lots of movies that don’t really interest him. I still haven’t figured out what the magic formula is for what engages him. He has seen all of the Lord of the Rings movies and the first Hobbit movie, but he gets up and wanders in and out, or uses the time as an excuse to snuggle up on my lap.

Both Tammy and I knew that taking him to the theatre to watch the Hobbit would be fraught with peril, and not just for the intrepid Hobbit on screen. 🙂 But we went to the 12:00 (noon) showing, so he wasn’t tired, and in the end, he did okay. Yes, he was fidgety, and yes he was asking when the movie was finished by the 1:15 mark (out of 2:40), but he hung in there and didn’t annoy any of the other moviegoers.

The rest of us enjoyed it quite a bit. It still amazes me how much “extra” they are piling onto the simple Hobbit story in the movies. And yet, they aren’t going too far out there. I guess they want to fill it in to be as rich as the Lord of the Rings. Miranda is now counting the months to the next movie.