Bizarre Perspective

Well this just tops the pile as it were. I get so disgusted these days with manufacturers when I look at things in the industry. Computer printers where the supplies cost more than the printer, Cars where parts cost more if you were to piece the whole vehicle together, washing machine parts where it’s cheaper to buy a new one than repair the one you have. We are very quickly becoming a very wasteful society, no wonder the Heartland landfill is filling up faster than it can recuperate from it.

At least we can recycle a lot of things these days. Except the latest picture that caught my eye today was the one from the NASA that depicts some 12000 items in space that circle the earth’s globe on a continuous basis. Think of this the next time you gaze up into the stars. I just can’t believe this picture. Oh well let’s just hope all that stuff stays up there….


  1. I thought this picture was very interesting in a morbid sort if way. For such an intelligent species we do have some pretty idiotic ideas. Too much knowledge can be a bad thing. I’ll bet Kang and Kodos are having a good laugh from space.….

  2. Reminds me of the couple of scenes at the start of WALL-E, where the spaceship has to smash through the layer of Buy ‘N’ Large satellites when leaving Earth.

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