Bow Cyclist Coffee Run

Today was the annual Bow Cyclist Club’s coffee run. It was the regular Sunday time (10:00 to 12:00), but instead of going for a 40-ish km ride, it was a low-key outing where cruiser bikes were welcome. It wound from Bowness to Kensington along the river pathways.

Map of the Coffee Run
Map of the Coffee Run

The cool part was that Tammy came along this year! I sweet-talked her into it, and she had a great time. On the way downtown, with the slight downhill and no headwind, she was a little disappointed that it wasn’t much of a workout. But on the way back the tables were turned and she was having a better workout while not too strenuous. I was very happy that she enjoyed herself.

Tammy took this picture of me when we were stopped for coffee at the Roasterie in Kensington.

Simon in Kensington
Simon in Kensington