Brown Recluse Spiders

That was unexpected. After dinner, Miranda came upstairs with her iPad and showed us this picture:

Near the door to the storage room

For years, there have been spiders hanging around the door jams to the storage room and I’ve never really given them much thought. However, with this one being brazenly out in the open and Miranda so worried about it, I went down with the flyswatter and took care of it. There was another by the other door and I don’t know if I got him or not. Then, later in the evening, we were playing ping pong and when a ball went behind the fridge, there was another one. I took that one out with the butt end of Tammy’s ping pong paddle.

We were talking about them just now and for a laugh, I looked up the species of spiders in the Calgary area. I was a little shook when it became pretty clear that these little guys were in fact some of the most venomous spiders in Canada: the Brown Recluse.

Now, on the other hand, the information on Wikipedia about the Brown Recluse leads me to think that this might not be right. I don’t know what to think.

Regardless, I’ll be taking reports of spider sightings in the basement a little more seriously from now on. 🕷

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