Can you see me waving from there?

It’s me, and I’m in the rectangular province again. The usual Monday to Friday jaunt. No real surprises so far. The weather here is prairie autumn-typical, although maybe a bit warmer. Here’s hoping that the weather holds for the week. It would be nice to get to walk the the University and back each day.


Well, the weather hasn’t cooperated, and today it’s snowing. The snow isn’t staying on the ground, so it’s more like light rain. The neat thing that I’ve noticed on this trip is the birds flying overhead. It seems as though Regina is on one or more major flyways for migrating birds. This morning when I was waiting for the cab, I tried counting the birds in their V-shaped flocks passing overhead and couldn’t keep up, even counting by rough fives.


  1. When I told your father that it had snowed in Regina he said "well he likes snow!~"
    Keep warm and watch your step!
    Safe journey.
    Interesting about the bird flight paterns. Love, Mom & Dad

  2. And now I’m home. I started having a headache and "coming down with something" last night, so I changed travel plans. I hope I’m better tomorrow.

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