Cat Car Rides, Badminton

It’s less than two weeks to our planned trip to Victoria. 🤯 We are planning to bring Murphy with us, and in preparation, we took him for a car ride yesterday. We chose to drive to Canmore and back, which is about an hour each way. We set the car up like we are planning to for the trip to Victoria. We wanted to see how he would react. We had his harness on so that we wouldn’t lose him when the doors were opened.

At first, it was the typical panting and meowing.

Murphy, mid-meow

But after a while he settled down. Apparently he was still panting, but at least he was quiet. It was a typical smoky day as we proceeded up Highway 1.

If you look carefully, there are mountains

Unfortunately, Canmore was a bit of a gongshow with the long-weekend tourists, so we didn’t get coffee. More unfortunately, I decided to come back along Highway 1A. It turns out that Murphy gets carsick if the road is too curving and bumpy… he barfed and then got into the catbox and had the runs in short order. It was hilarious, in a sad way. I found a place to pull over and we cleaned it up. Lesson learned.

In other news, Ian’s starting another week of badminton camp. This time, both of his friends are signed up.

Ian, Josh, Unknown, Joey playing before class started

Ian’s pretty happy about that. I took him today (because it’s the long weekend) and I got to watch him play. He’s obviously learned things in the first week, because he really was doing well and moving well. For the rest of the week, Joey’s mom will be taking the boys to and from the camp, but it was nice to get a chance to see it today.

Ian, Josh and Joey. The head instructor is in the purple shirt.



  1. Sorry about Murphy ,sounds like Stephanie when she was young. Badminton looks like fun, nice picture of Ian s\and his friends.

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