CBK Fundraiser for Japan

Yes, I know the tsunami seems like such a long time ago, but the date for the Canada’s Best Karate Fundraiser for Japan finally came around. We got lucky with the weather, as it was out of doors at Centennial Square (or whatever it’s called these days; next to City Hall and the MacPherson anyways)

Wide angle shot
Wide angle shot

Miranda and I were taking part. All of the different groups of students started with a half hour lesson, each radially out from the fountain. Try to find her in here:

Miranda's group
Miranda’s group

I’m considerably easier to pick out:

Simon's group
Simon’s group

Then there were demonstrations (my group did one, as well as the black belts, Sempais and Senseis) and then the finale was Sensei Leigh breaking 500 bricks.

Sensei breaking bricks
Sensei breaking bricks

The brick breaking was interesting. Sensei really had to push to finish all 500. You could tell, he started quickly with fists, then got slower and moved to different strikes (elbows, etc) as the breaking started to take its toll. He broke four at a time, so 125 hits plus going back and finishing groups that he didn’t successfully break all at once. The last few were with his forehead…


  1. Miranda – center back row?? It’s hard to tell. You, however, we can locate!! It looks like you had a good day for it.

  2. Re: "Nreaking Bricks": Yes, I scratched my head at that one too. I wondered if perhaps someone was trying to be clever, but then realized that no, it was just a lack of a copy editor. 🙂

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