Chalk another one up for the Good Guys!

Well, it was 30+ out on the field and no breeze. Through much sweating and lots of good fielding we managed another win. 8-7 for us. It was a close game and excellent fielding was had by both teams. Only 3 more Games remain. We only need to win one more to clinch the Season Title. Hopefully, we can do it. Just have to remember to bring some water next time. Boy was I hot…


  1. I feel bad, I was going to come last weekend and see one of your games and missed it. On your next game call me before you go and I’ll come out to see it. Next week’s game is at Braefoot Elementry school off of McKenzie Avenue. Then I’m done for the Season depending on when Baby Comes… 😀 Year End Tourney August 16th.. 🙂

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