Sorry about the lack of news lately. It’s been a quiet week around here. Both Tammy and I have been busy at work, and the kids have had their school and piano lessons. Yesterday, Miranda and Ian were out in the back yard playing with her dinosaurs in the planter, including using the hose to make mud. You can imagine what state they were in when they were all done. 🙂

Tonight, at Miranda’s request, we played a game of charades. It was lots of fun, starting simple with dogs and ducks and other such things, before starting in on harder ones like Iron Man, Obi-wan Kenobi, Rodin’s The Thinker, Freddie Mercury and others. The Freddie Mercury one led to an exploration of various videos of Queen on YouTube afterwards.

It was all fun. Good suggestion, Miranda. ❤️

Also, on Friday evening, we found a bee in the house that had evidently been caught by one of the cats. Miranda being Miranda, she immediately put it under the microscope. She was showing us the wing membrane, and I asked her if she wanted to take a picture. I showed her how to just put the lens of a camera up to the eyepiece of the microscope. Here’s one of the pictures she took:

Bee wing
Bee wing



  1. Yep, it’s the weekend now, and it’s ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ ‼️

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