Chinook on the Horizon?

That would make an interesting book title. 😀
Actually, I’m referring to Chinook Learning Services. As you may recall I filled out paper work and police background checks for them last August in hopes of teaching there. As it turned out I didn’t and I ended up subbing at GEOS. But, I never gave up hope. Every few months I would contact Brenda in ELL to what was shaking. Nothing ever was, but this last time she said that I should come back in to redo all the paperwork (it expires after a year). I sent her a new resume last month and I went in today to fill out all the required forms. There’s a chance of 3 evenings (6.30-9, Tues./Wed./Thurs.) a week starting in January for the LINC program. Unfortunately, it’s a government-funded one and we all have to wait until December to see if it goes through, etc. I’m not holding my breath this time. I’ve heard it all before, but who knows. I’ve got my oar in there and maybe they will choose me.
While I was there filling out the police security check form, I ran into Franca Best. She’s the Continuing Ed coordinator there. I knew her as the Continuing Ed coordinator for the school I taught LINC at in Prince George waaay back in 1996. What a coincidence. Is it a sign? Probably not, but it was interesting. 🙂


  1. That’s a funny coincidence, running into Franca. Start singing: “It’s a small world after aaaaaaall…”!

    Good luck.

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