Chris Apartment Hunting, 3 of 4 Sick

It’s not the most exciting update in the world, but that’s the way it is right now. 🙂 Chris, who is a friend from Jackson’s martial arts class in Victoria, is here and searching for an apartment to live in. He was here in April this year, on his way to apply for a position in Edmonton. Since then, he passed the Calgary police qualification test, and is moving here to continue the application process. So he’s been in and out, looking at apartments and catching up with friends.

I’m afraid we haven’t been very good hosts. When he arrived, Ian had been coughing and Tammy had already taken him to see the doctor. His cough has gotten worse since, and Friday night Miranda had the chills. Friday I started getting a post-nasal drip that has developed into sinus congestion. So we’ve been a bit down and out.


  1. Ian and Miranda seem as right as rain, and I think I’m over it, except for chest congestion. Just in time for Tammy come down with it! Seriously, it’s a pretty mild rhinovirus. If only all colds were that mild.

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