Christmas lights are up

Got that out of the way this morning. 🙂 Nice weather this weekend, so I took advantage and strung up the lights. Did the same this year as last: along the bottom roof level, around the garage doors and in the cherry tree out front. I am running out of spare bulbs. I no longer have enough to do the upper roof line if I wanted to. These LED lights seem to burn out more rapidly than the old fashioned incandescent ones did. This morning I strung out my lights on the basement floor and had to replace eight to ten bulbs. Two of the white ones had gone “amber” in addition to outright burn outs.

Tammy and the kids helped out with carrying the bulbs, and moving the ladder. Needless to say, the kids are now counting the days to Christmas. Literally.

Also: I crossed the 50,000 word mark for NaNoWriMo today. Tammy took the kids shopping so I had some extra time to myself. End of the book is nowhere in sight, but that’s okay. Still five more typing days in the month.


  1. Dad & I seem to be lagging behind in the Christmas lights category! He actually put the ones up on the sundeck this afternoon. It was very cold out!
    We’ve got a busy week ahead: tues= JL to eye doctor & Dad to psa blood test and blowing, mulching and bagging the leaves that have fallen; Wed. is Dad to doctor for prescription renewals, etc.; Thurs. is Dad to chiropractor; Friday he takes the truck in to replace the water pump; Saturday is haul away leaves to the city dump; and Monday following is jl to doctor for prescription renewals and my lecture about blood sugars and blood pressure [which is only high in the office when I’m talking to him!!!].
    Actually, when I look at what I’ve typed it looks like Dad will be much busier than I will be!!
    Yeah! An easy question! I don’t have to remember Michael Jackson’s name or where J.L. Picard was born or that darn Beatle that I can never remember!!! I love you!!! Darn those scutters for making it necessary to answer these questions! [It isn’t a mental competency test in disguise – is it???]

  2. To answer your question: Yes. I log all your failed answers and pass them to your doctor. 🙂

    Just kidding. Sorry some of them are difficult. I will see about updating the questions soon. I just checked, and the comments are still spam-free, so they are working.

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