Construction Update: Drywall Almost Done

If yesterday was a bit of a dud, today was gangbusters. We went from half-assed insulation to insulated, vapour-barriered and almost drywalled.

What a difference a day makes. Having the walls up really transforms the space.

Looking from music room to craft room
Looking from music room to craft room

Looking from craft room to hallway, storage and stairs
Looking from craft room to hallway, storage and stairs

I will point out that it’s already a lot warmer down there compared to yesterday.


  1. The people are doing a very nice job. You will find upstairs will be warmer also. Is the fellow doing the work any relation of Superman? !!!Dad

  2. Overture, curtain, lights!
    This is it. The night of nights.
    No more rehearsing or nursing a part.
    We know every part by heart!

    Overture, curtain, lights!
    This is it. We’ll hit the heights!
    And oh, what heights we’ll hit!
    On with the show, this is it!

  3. Why do we always come here
    I guess we’ll never know
    It’s like a kind of torture
    To have to watch the show

    Sorry couldn’t resist a quote from good ole Statler and Waldorf 🙂

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