Day of Rest and Prep

After our long, long day in the car yesterday, Ian and I got a chance to decompress a bit today. We managed to get some good sleep on the air mattress (despite Ian being a bed hog 🐷). We cleaned and lubed the bike chains first. Then while Dad went to have coffee, Ian and I got haircuts at Danny’s and then stopped by Jackson’s new store just down the road from Dad’s.

A lunch with Dad and then Ian and I headed downtown. We parked near the Harbour Air docks and then went to Murchies and walked over to the registration check in at the Trek bike store. It’s a lovely day in Victoria today. Let’s hope it’s as nice tomorrow.

When we were back, we pinned the numbers on our jerseys and bikes and then checked them out in the parking lot. We’re pretty much ready to go for tomorrow’s ride.

Tonight we are going over to Jasmine’s restaurant for dins with Steph and the gang.


Here’s a picture of the group at the restaurant.

But even better was the van outside decorated with Totoro.

One Comment

  1. It looks like it was a great day all ’round. I wonder where they got those decals for the car…🤔 Maybe we can find some Soot Gremlins and Kodama.

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