I have been thinking about making a dice tower for a couple of years. While we aren’t a “super gamer” family, we do play a fair number of games that involve dice. It’s certainly not beyond my woodworking skill level, but it would take time.

Yesterday, we had a fantastic game of Catan as a family. Miranda and I were duking it out for a route to the coast while she was building an army, and Ian was forging ahead with lots of resources. But it was Tammy who came out on top, mostly because she was uncontested on her side of the board. That, combined with my daily email from Instructables featuring a similar dice project made me think that maybe today was the day to make one.

What sealed the deal was finding an old Booker’s bourbon box that I’d been holding onto, which made the hardest part of the project the easiest one. A couple of hours and here’s the result:

All ready for a test game…

Updated March 8th

It took until this weekend to give the dice tower a go, and it was very successful! We played Catan again (Miranda won) and everybody used the dice tower in spite of the fact that it was positioned between Ian and I and that meant that Miranda had to stretch across Ian to use it and Tammy had to get up from her chair on every turn.

It was so successful, that it motivated me to quickly put together a second one, so that it could go on the opposite site of whatever board game we were playing. Saturday evening, I put together a foam-core board tower based on this Instructable. I didn’t have another whiskey box kicking around… It’s not in the same league as the first one, but it was fun to build nonetheless.

Woodworking vs. foam working? They both work, anyways.


  1. That is cool!! You need to create a catch basin so they don’t go rogue across the table 🙂 Can’t wait to try it in July

    1. Tammy said the same thing. Not a big deal. Hard part’s done.

      Also: I find watching the slo-mo hypnotic.

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