Enough Snow already!

Ok, I guess because I gotta work I’m fed up with the snow. I’m sure if I was on holidays and could play in it with my son or be out there bombing around on the tractor clearing driveways it would be a different story.
I guess I’m just use to the rain and the warmer climate we are accustom to; just goes to show how much we are really effecting mother nature I suppose.
Had to put my 2 bits in somewhere; on the plus side the occasional workout with the snow shovel in the morning is some decent exercise.


  1. Did you guys get a good amount last night? We barely got a skiff out here. It keeps snowing on and off, but it doesn’t stick. I mean, according to our thermometer, it’s 2 degrees out there. No worries, we’ll soon be back to our miserable pouring rain.

  2. Yeah we had probably 2-3 inches on the driveway this morning. It wasn’t that heavy to shovel just had to shovel it so that it wouldn’t compress down on the driveway.
    Now it’s the perfect type of snow for snowmen, etc….

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