I’ve waited for this for years…

Miranda’s old enough to play Roborally. It’s a game where you race robots around a factory floor, trying to avoid pits, lasers, crushers and each other. It’s a complicated game, and it has a “12 and up” age rating on it. I’ve had the game since… well… I think I bought it when Tammy and I lived in Prince George. And the problem is that the game is more fun with more players. Two can play, but there’s less mayhem.


So yesterday afternoon, I tried it with Tammy and Miranda. Miranda managed to move around and get the idea. Tammy won two short games. But the problem of course is that Ian can’t play…

Or can he?

Miranda wanted to play after dinner tonight. Tammy was game, but I wanted Ian to have fun, too. So Ian was the “Mayhem Bot”. 🙂 He was invincible, and he was laying down his cards randomly. He got to zoom around the board, run into other bots, and generally cause havoc. He had fun, and actually got to the finishing flag first. It was a lot of fun. We’ll play again sometime soon.