Finale to Music 2010

Yesterday was Miranda’s end of year music class party. This is her second year attending piano lessons and it seems a tradition for teacher Trish to hold an awards/fun day party. She and her classmates from last year have completed Sunshine II. There were 10 stations set up with activities ranging from making your own instrument to making rhythm stories and pounding them out on drums. The weather started raining at the last minute before the party started, but it cleared up long enough for some outside time. I took Ian along because he needs the running around time and there were enough younger siblings (and food) to keep him busy. 🙂 There were trays of veggies and fruit, some hot dogs, chips, cookies, juice, and the cake.

This September they will be going into Sunbeam II. She seems to be having a lot of fun and learning lots in this class. Plus having the same group keep together also helps with continuity. (Not to mention 3/4 of the class is home schooled.)

Have a look.


One Comment

  1. Congratulations Miranda! I love your diploma. We’re very proud of you. Love, Nana & Grandpa

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