Finally saw the foot doctor

It was becoming almost a mythical thing: like the unicorn or the Easter Bunny, I probably would have been forgiven for thinking that I would never actually see him. But today was the day and I saw Dr. Filbey at nine this morning.

Did he tell me I needed surgery? Amputation?

No. In fact it was nothing more than getting an orthotic to help stretch out the area and stretching of the foot and calf. Seven times a day. That’s a lot of stretching! That is a relief on one hand, but also a disappointment. To hear him talk, I might be right as rain in a few months. But that means that if I’d been able to get to see him right away, I might have been “fixed” a long time ago. Grr…

I will get my orthotic on the 11th, but stretching started today. Nice to think that if I do it right, I might be back to regular activity before summer.

One Comment

  1. Don’t overdo it. I’m glad surgery wasn’t suggested – guess he had been on holiday already! Mom

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