First Day At ESRI

Well, I’ve just combed through 80 emails in my inbox, and I’ve gone through a whole bunch of orientation stuff with Nicola. That’s the good news. The bad news is my computer isn’t here yet (I’m sitting at one of the computers in the Training Room), my desk isn’t here yet (I’ve got a table temporarily) and a few other things haven’t been answered, like if I’m going to Toronto next week…

All in all, it’s going well. Not having my computer makes me feel better about having a doctor’s appointment today at 3:30.


The rest of the day was quiet. I finally talked to Harold, and then went to the doctor. The doctor didn’t say much, but will schedule me for an MRI. Should take about six weeks’ wait.

Harold called this evening: I’m off to Toronto Sunday afternoon, returning Friday dinnertime. Don’t know the whole story yet, but the ticket’s booked. I guess I’ll pick up the bike in another week…


  1. Well, of course, I’m not thrilled with Simon going away for such a long time. It has been a while since he has been on a business trip. I guess one of the biggest factors against it is the weather. I know it’s cold and snowy there and I worry about air travel and highway travel. The 400s highways are always in the news with accidents and trecherous conditions. Maybe later in the year, we’ll all go to Toronto when he goes for business. We don’t know anyone there, or the city, but it might be nice to visit. The other factor is that 2 weeks later he’ll be in Redlands, California for nearly a week on biz again.

    I know it’s all about training and getting up-to-speed, but it seems like everything is being thrown at him at once. I’m beginning to wonder if every 2 weeks he’ll be off somewhere for a week. At this rate he’ll never get behind the wheel of his Burgman.


  2. No real rush: the weather’s supposed to be nasty for the next couple of weeks, so the bike would be sitting in the garage anyways. Might as well save another week’s insurance money, eh? 😉

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