First Winter Blast

As I type this, the first snow of the year is starting to fall outside. We got the weather advisory yesterday that we should expect snow starting last night and continuing into Tuesday. It turned out to be freezing rain that fell early this morning, but it has turned to granular snow. It’s supposed to be followed by -15 temperatures.

With the warning, we spent some time preparing yesterday.

  • We went to Bow Cycle twice: once to get Ian some good flat pedals for his gravel bike and then the second time when we realized we needed to get a smaller studded tire for the rear. His mountain bike studded tire from his stolen Kona fit the front, but not the rear.
  • We put up the Christmas lights. There might be a snow- and ice-free opportunity to do it later in November, but I decided not to risk it. Ian helped by putting up the lights on the lower roofline and around the garage door this year. Finished in less than an hour.

Other notes:

  • I rode the Saturday ride out to Cochrane this weekend (Oct. 21). It was chilly but dry and no wind. We’ll see if there are more opportunities for road rides before the end of the year. I’ve put the studded tires on my gravel bike too.
  • For your entertainment: squirrels are amazing.
Dippy hanging upside down to get to the bird feeder