I’ve just crossed the 25,000 word halfway mark for NaNoWriMo 2009. I’m not bragging or anything, just thought it was worth shouting out. 🙂 Last year it took me until the 15th to get this far. I don’t think I’ll be able to finish in 50,000 words. I think that this novel is a little longer than that. I still hope to type “The End” before the 30th, though.


  1. I was suprised to find that when I looked up Piers Anthony’s books he has written that he is up to 137 books 0f his own and 30 plus with other authors !!!!!!!!!! amazing..

  2. That is pretty incredible, but that’s how the words add up over time. Just look at all the needlepoint and cross stitch on your walls sometime… Talk about incredible. Writing’s not impossible, it just requires a good imagination and the dedication to see it through. Piers Anthony has a good grasp of what makes interesting characters and how to make a good story line.

    It’s not rocket science. It is much much more fun than that!

  3. I’ll also shout out for Tammy that she’s pulled into the lead. As of today, she’s ahead 28,413 to 28,015. That’s despite me putting in a respectable 2,500 word day yesterday in three typing sessions.

    I took my portable typewriter to work yesterday. There wasn’t anyone around to annoy, so I put in a half hour of typing at lunchtime. Mike was there in the morning. I’d been telling him about my typewriters, and he’s old enough to remember typewriters in offices. When he did stop by on his way out and I was typing, he had a silly grin and said that that sound was really taking him back. He understood the retro vibe. 🙂

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