Halloween Day

Soon it will be time to light up the pumpkins and go a-walking around the neighbourhood, looking for candy, candy, candy, candy…

But this day has been pretty full already. I say we just go to bed after dinner. πŸ™‚ Β It kicked off with Tammy taking Miranda to the hairdresser’s. She’d gotten a bee in her bonnet that she wanted a new haircut. It’s a short one, but not too short. It looks really nice.

Miranda's new 'do
Miranda’s new ‘do


In the meantime, Ian and I raked leaves. He got his haircut on Wednesday night, in preparation for being Tintin for Halloween for the third time. Our discoveries:

  • Raking leaves in Calgary is quite pleasant, if you time it correctly. The leaves were all dry and easy to work with.
  • Sometimes, you gotta just go for it, like this rose that decided “to heck with the calendar, I’m blooming!”
Wild rose in October
Wild rose in October

Then we carved pumpkins. This year, Daddy’s responsibilities were limited to cutting the tops off, and helping a bit with the scooping and carving. Ian and Miranda did all the rest.

Ian and Miranda carving away
Ian and Miranda carving away
Miranda's and Ian's pumpkins
Miranda’s and Ian’s pumpkins

With all that, I did some preparation for NaNoWriMo today. It kicks off tomorrow. I should follow Nochie’s example and flake out by the fire.


One Comment

  1. I really love your new hairstyle, Miranda and the pumpkins and little Nochie by the fireπŸ˜€

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