Halloween slowed down this year

Well we were expecting more than what we got last year (190) due to all the kids and schools in the area. Shock of all shocks, we only got 138! We were stunned to say the least. Can only figure that there was only a couple of houses doing Hallowe’en and we were tucked on the other side of the hill (not that visible) so I guess kids opted not to come down to see if there was any houses giving out candy? Disappointing.

New to our display this year was the Toxic Spewer created by Tristan

It was a hit for the kids that did come. We also had our Burning Man in the furnace that pops out once the trigger mat is stepped on. Scared a few. There was a group of Asian exchange students all dressed up as anime characters that triggered it and the screams could be heard from the back of the house! 😀 Unfortunately we were having trouble with the camera (maybe the LED lights messing up the trigger) so we didn’t get it on film 🙁


  1. Your “slowdown” was three times bigger than our “speedup”! 😂 The toxic spewer looks great. Kudos.

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