Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there, including my Mom and Tammy. 🙂

Today wasn’t exactly your textbook Mother’s Day. What with Tammy itching to pack and get stuff ready, and our life being upside down, it was… perfunctory. Miranda was the only one of us on the ball: she made Tammy a bead necklace/pendant and a Mother’s Day card. ❤️ Good for her!

We did get out to Romeo’s in Langford for supper, where we had a good meal. The kids (especially Ian) were a little on the hyperactive side and required more than the usual effort to keep decorum in the restaurant. Oh well. Some honey buns picked up from Fairway was dessert.



  1. The happiest news to me in this post is the fact that Romeo’s in Langford is still around! I went there with Kim Heimbecker (fletcher) on my 20th birthday and many, many other occasions. Good ol’ Can West…been there for almost 30 years…

    Happy Mother’s Day!

  2. Yep, it’s still there. They’ve updated the decor to be more "Roman", but it’s still there. Mmm… zesty Italian pizza… <drool>

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