Hello from Palm Springs

Yeah, I’m less than 24 hours from heading home again, but what the heck I’ll make a post. I am here to attend the 2014 Esri Developer Summit, a conference I have attended a number of times in the past. It has been a good few days; it started on Monday. Lots of good sessions and contacts, although at times I feel like the kids whose parents won’t let them go outside and play. There is lots of cool new technology being demonstrated, but there is little chance I will get to actually build anything with it, because my job isn’t to do that these days. Sigh.

I am making sure that I understand how the technology all fits together, so when I make recommendations for clients, I know what I’m talking about.

The only really unpleasant experience was the aftermath of the Esri Canada dinner on Monday night. I had a bit too much to drink and wasn’t very comfortable trying to sleep later on that night. I am proud of myself, though: I have made it to the hotel gym every morning and ridden the exercise bike to start the day.

Tonight is the social event, and that should be fun. Esri Canada has a team in the dodgeball tournament, and it am on it. Being large and slow, I expect to have a very short time on the court. 🙂


  1. Have a safe journey. Remember to wiggle your toes and rotate your ankles and flex your calves. Love, Mom

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