Sorry, hate is a strong word. However, when it’s -5 outside and -12 with the wind chill and you have to mess around with your generator because the power is out in your neighborhood, it leaves a bad taste on your frost bitten lips. I don’t mind when the power is out but, it really bugs me when it’s just our neighborhood that’s out. I could see power one house over and all over Atkins road. I swear our street is wired with Chicken wire and not proper bad weather wiring.

All I can say is glad we are wired for Genset cause otherwise our house would be Cold, Cold, Cold. I’m sure my neighbors weren’t none to impressed by the Whirring of the Generator all night long but, if this is a sign of things to come I may have to go and upgrade to a bigger generator and one that runs a lot quieter.

I learned a few things too. When Pouring gasoline in this weather always have some sort of wind barrier as gasoline doesn’t like to be poured when the wing picks up. Also, It’s definitely time to rethink that side area of my house.
I’m probably going to enlist a few people this summer and we’re going to build a storage shed of some kind over there. Dave put your thinking cap on for this one cause I’m tired of slinging tarps and moving pieces of wood just to keep things dry.

Ok I’ve vented and I’m at work in the cozy office, hope Stephanie is careful going taking Zachary to School this morning…


  1. We wondered whether or not you lost power. We were lucky and did not lose our power. Never mind that: how is your Christmas light display? I’m half expecting to see half my roof gone this morning. I can’t imagine the state of your inflatables.

  2. Actually, everything is in pretty good shape. I guess because everything was off last night there was no chance of it getting hurt. And the Inflatable on the roof will be out for a while as the snow has him sealed in a cold tomb.

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