Ian’s Driving Lessons Start Tomorrow

We’ve signed both Miranda and Ian up for driving lessons through the Alberta Motor Association. They’ve completed the theory parts. Ian did his in classes over at the Crowfoot location, while Miranda did them online. Since Ian finished his classes first, he got in the queue first for the driving lessons. Miranda’s are later this summer. At dinner tonight, Ian seemed a bit wound up about it, so I suggested that tonight we could go over to the North Hill mall parking lot and just toodle around a bit. No real objective, just getting comfortable with driving the car.

Miranda was interested too, so all of us got in the car and heading out chasing a rainstorm. Tammy rode with the kids as she guided them around the parking lot. Here’s a quick clip of Ian driving.

When both kids were done, I took a turn with Ian and then Miranda doing some jackrabbit starts and quick (and then emergency) stops. Miranda took it in stride, but Ian was pretty wound up by it.

Afterwards, we went to Dairy Queen in Dalhousie and relaxed a bit.

Updated Thursday

Ian’s now had two lessons. He seems to be doing fine. Here he is getting the car orientation from his instructor, Vesna.

One Comment

  1. They will soon get the grasp and then they will be asking to drive the car!!!!!!!!

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