Ian’s Wisdom Teeth

Ian may not have inherited our eyesight (yet), but he seems to have followed in everyone’s footsteps for needing dental intervention. It was only a year and a half ago that Miranda got her wisdom teeth out, and today was Ian’s turn.

Ian’s were a little more involved, since he had an impacted molar that decided it wanted to grow sideways instead of upwards. That’s resulted in Ian having a gap in his mouth for a little while. It was earlier this year that the dentist noted what looked like a cyst forming around the impacted tooth in an X-ray. If left unattended, that could lead to the destruction of the healthy root of the molar above and the jawbone itself. There was already evidence that one root of the molar was being eaten away. To make it even worse, the impacted tooth was sitting right next to the main nerve in the jawbone.

A bit of a nightmare

He was fasting as of last night, and we got him to Northland Oral Surgery in plenty of time. Miranda drove Tammy the rest of the way to work and then brought the car back for the drive home, while I went in with him, signed all the papers, and then filled the prescriptions at Walmart.

Not everything went to plan: the location of the nerve meant that the surgeon first tried to extract it from the “tongue-side”, but when that didn’t work he needed to extract the molar above it.

Ian’s been taking it easy on the couch. He’s been drooling up a storm while watching The Darjeeling Limited and some Simpsons episodes. He’s got a lot of pills to take: pain killers, steroids and antibiotics.

More updates as events warrant.