Invasive Species?

Last night, and the few nights previously, Tammy left our bedroom window open a crack. (Yes, this is February, right?) The frogs are already making noise in the pond and stream out back. It’s a soothing sound, generally.

However, this morning, around half past four, there was a frog call that was so distinctly different it woke me up. It was lower and louder than the usual frog calls and it’s the first time in seven years that I’ve heard it. My immediate thought was back to a time when we were having a day at the lake with Brian and Sharon, and Brian was talking about invasive species in the lake. People were being encouraged to hunt a particular species of frog. I couldn’t remember the details, but that was what sprung to mind.

I have now gone to the CRD’s web site and they only list one invasive frog species in this area: the American Bullfrog. The linked page has a video of the frog calling, and thankfully that was not the sound I heard. It does beg the question as to what it was that I heard. Maybe it was the first frog to hit puberty.


  1. Maybe it was a frog that had too much weed and was saying "Whasuuuuuuuuup!" to his friends (eyes bulging tongue hanging waaay out) 😀

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