As of yesterday, I resigned from PGIC.

My last day will be January 27th. Simon and I have decided that the cost of going to work is greater than what is gained. We had planned on me working until the end of February, but with his recent bout of overtime this week, things changed. My working one more month wouldn’t have made much difference financially, but my being home will make a great difference in Miranda’s well-being.

I feel bad for Stephanie. I know she was counting on doing this instead of nursing, at least for awhile. I’m sorry; we knew it would happen, just not this soon.

Also last Friday I got a call from Westshore Learning. I applied o them back in September about their ESL school and now I have an interview on Thursday. They’re hiring teachers for the TESL course. I’m so nervous. I haven’t had an interview in over 3 years and I don’t know what clothes I have that’ll fit and be presentable. If I’m hired they’re offering an evening class from 6:30-9:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This would be perfect. I’m not holding my breath, though. They wanted people with education degrees to teach this. I was surprised to be even considered.


  1. Congratulations, Tammy. I also think that it is an excellent choice. It was important to try working to see what it was like and then making an educated decision. I am very happy that my change of circumstances has allowed us to have this option. I know that in the long run it will be healthiest for all three of us. 🙂

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