Jackson & Family, Swimming, Dinner, Hockey!

You want action-packed? How about our evening today!

I found out last month that my old martial arts instructor, Jackson, was going to be on Vancouver Island this week. He and his “family” were here on a trip to visit family and old haunts, and to introduce his wife-to-be, Michelle, to the charms of west coast life. She’s a New Brunswicker who’s never been much of anywhere, but she’s moved to Edmonton to be with Jackson while he’s stationed there. Jackson just got back from his tour of duty in Afghanistan and is on leave for a few weeks. Michelle has two girls, Shanelle and Jasmine, from a previous marriage and they seem to have adopted Jackson as “daddy”. He’s a larger-than-life, outspoken but protective as heck guy, I think they could do worse.

So we arranged to meet up with them for a swim at their hotel and dinner. Miranda was all excited about that. So when I finished work at 4, we hopped in the car and headed downtown. We stopped at Dreamland Kids furniture on the way downtown and picked up some information on beds. Miranda’s almost ready for a big-kids’ bed, and Dreamland is where Jeff and Sasha recently picked up a bed for their daughter Katya. We then met up with Jackson and company at 5:30 and headed to the pool until about quarter to 7. Then we headed to Jasmine’s Restaurant in Colwood. Jasmine had seen the name of the restaurant when they were driving around this week and wanted to stop at the restaurant that had her name. 🙂 We had a good visit. Miranda got on well with the girls, who are 7 and 8. Michelle seems nice, and she and Jackson certainly seem to work well together.

Then we rushed home, got the kids in bed, and Sveta and Gena were already at our place to watch them while Tammy and I headed out to play hockey. Tammy’s team was having a “husbands invited” game, so it was half women and half men. Tammy and I both played on the “white” team. We had fun. I had a good game and met some of the guys and Tammy’s teammates. We’re just home from that now, and winding down after the game. What a whirlwind 8 hours!

I’m in white with blue socks:

Simon on the ice
Simon on the ice

Tammy has the white jersey:

Tammy on the ice
Tammy on the ice

One Comment

  1. Not to forget our froggie friend that decided to come in from the cold last night. A ittle green frog had hopped in the door with the us when we came rushing from supper. Gena first noticd it on our door frame. Simon eventually managed to get it out the door.
    Hockey was good, about the same as practice. Supper was good; Miranda enjoyed the girls’ company. It was like having older sisters.

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