Today was a day for a couple of milestones. The first was unexpected, the second was not.

First, I had my annual review with my boss Kjetil today. I wasn’t really expecting much one way or another because I get feedback on a regular basis. It was a formality. However, at the end of it, he brought out a box and presented me with my 15 year award from Esri Canada.

It’s quite a good-looking award, if I do say so myself. I will display it proudly in my cubicle. That was unexpected. My fifteenth anniversary with Esri is actually on January 17th, but that’s a formality.

The expected milestone was that I crossed the 50,000 word mark tonight for NaNoWriMo, effectively “winning” for the twelfth time. Tammy and I have done this every November since 2008. I still have a long way to go before this book is done, but it’s nice knowing that I have risen to the challenge again, along with my trusty typewriters.

Tammy is doing well, and should cross the line a little later this week. She didn’t rush ahead the way that I did. πŸ“–

Updated November 29th

I might have added a new post for this, but the title of this one was too perfect. Last night, Tammy and I had a “date night”, going out to dinner at Milestones (the restaurant). We went to the one at Market Mall, and that let us have a dinner and be able to walk around afterwards, dodging the Black Friday shoppers.

Also, last night Tammy crossed 50,000 in her NaNoWriMo novel. Another win in the books! (pun intended)


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