Miranda’s Christmas Concert

Tonight was the 2014 Division II (Grades 3 to 6) Christmas Concert at W.O. Mitchell School. This was the second year for Miranda, and she volunteered for more this year: including a “duet-solo” with a girl named Chloe, and playing in the conga group in between the handbell performances. Here she is, ready for her conga.IMGP1746

Ian was good, and was excited when he recognized Christmas songs like Jingle Bells and Mr. Grinch.

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It was fun, and we got to sing along for “It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas”, “Silver Bells” and “Silent Night”. Miranda was standing next to her friends Hazel, Sierra and Emily.

Emily, Sierra, Miranda and Hazel in the row


  1. Everyone looks like they are enjoying themselves. Conga as in conga line dancing? Miranda is about center of group picture – right? Please don’t be offended as I have trouble recognizing faces. Are Colin and Carol in Mexico? Mom

  2. I will point out that the colour balance on the photos is horrible because the lighting in the gym is horrible. I adjusted them as best I could in the computer afterwards.

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